I love the holiday season- it’s fun and festive, with plenty of time with friends and family, and most importantly? Lots of excuses to get fancied up!
As a little girl growing up in the NYC suburbs, my favorite field trip of the year was when my class would visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. So it’s no surprise that I still love it as an adult- my mom and I spent nearly a whole day there this summer. And though David doesn’t adore museums the way I do, an afternoon at the Met was the perfect respite from a very rainy day during our last trip.
It was just a bonus that it gave me one more look at this year’s Costume Institute exhibit, ManusXMachina, right before it closed. Fashion in the Age of Technology honored designers and the intricacy of couture workmanship, and it may well be my favorite museum exhibit ever.
When it comes to the holiday season, I think the hardest people to shop for are the men in our lives. Husbands, boyfriends, dads, brothers- it can be so so impossible to decide what to buy, and tempting to take the easy way out and throw video games and gift cards in their direction. Wanting to branch out just a little, I’ve done some browsing and online shopping, and these are some of my favorite guy gifts this season.
I’ve obviously gotten great joy out of living this unicorn life, and since the holidays are truly the season of giving, I’m sharing some of the glittery goodness with y’all this Black Friday. I’m kicking off a series of 5 holiday gift guides today with all things shimmery, metallic, sparkly, unicorn…
While we were in New York, though it was for Fall Fashion Week, the weather was unseasonably hot. Since it felt like midsummer, we wanted to take as much advantage of it as we could. So one morning, instead of heading straight to fashion shows, we walked to a little bakery, and made our way into Central Park and to the boathouse.
Man, oh man, it was good to be home in New Orleans. The official excuse for the trip was a wedding, for one of my college roommates and sorority sisters. But we always want to spend time with David’s mom, have friends and family to love on, new babies to meet and kiss, so our weekend in NOLA was a long and busy one.
I realized right before we left for NYC that all of the pictures David and I have had made look nothing like me- I have totally outdated hair color! Oh, unicorn life problems. Fortunately, we were able to make a little time for a date with Paige Sovic to get some updated shots taken, so I wanted to share them.
Even in during the craziest of weeks, in the busiest cities, I do my best to find quiet time. Don’t get me wrong- I love New York City, but sometimes the tall buildings and the crowds can make me feel just a little bit claustrophobic. So I make time to catch my breath, like the morning David and I woke up early to walk down the Highline.