I almost can’t believe that this year makes a dozen Valentine’s Day I’ve spent with this sweet man. What’s that they say about time flying when you’re having fun?

Granted, we haven’t always celebrated on February 14th- we spent several years in a long distance relationship, and I don’t always get a lot of say over my pageant travel schedule. This Valentine’s Day, I’m in Dallas at a pageant with my girls and moms while he’s at home and work in LA.

Celebrating love a little early, we spent a sunshiny day with the fabulous Nicole of Nicole Renard Photography, and I just love all the sweet Valentine’s Day shots she captured. Nicole and I have several collaborations in the works for this year, so you’ll be seeing more of her around the blog for sure.

David got me this bright red scooter as wedding present, and I’ll be honest that he rides it all the time while I’m pretty wimpy about it still. I need to take a safety course before I feel road-ready solo, but I feel totally secure and love riding as his passenger…. Look Ma, no hands!

Because it seems like no Valentine’s Day is complete without at least a little sappiness, I’ve got a dozen reasons I’m glad David’s my husband and Valentine. #smugmarrieds

He’s funny as hell. Obviously, as an improvisor and comedian, making people laugh is his wheelhouse. But I have a picky sense of humor, and am very often not amused when others are rolling with laughter. Yet David cracks me up on a regular basis.

He indulges my quirks. Far from typical, I’d prefer a pet goat to a puppy. I would rather arrange my own grocery-store flowers than receive a fancy bouquet, and regularly have power tools on my gift list. Weird is my way, and he’s happy to oblige.

He believes in me religiously. Though I wish it wasn’t the case, I can be very insecure- yet it’s much easier to believe in yourself when someone else believes in me first. He always does, and never hesitates to tell me so.

Those blue eyes. Lawd- deep, piercing, practically iridescent as they change with his moods… I’m already beseeching the universe for a baby with their daddy’s eyes. (Someday…. don’t get too excited people.)

Our shared history. We’ve been together just about our entire adult lives, so there’s a lot of memories over those dozen years. There’s something special about having grown up and evolved together- and to know that he ‘knew me when” and has loved me through my worst and best.

He’s practically my personal lightning rod. He can pull me from the depths of a panic attack with a few firm words, ground me in a stressful situation with just a look or a hug. For someone as prone to anxiety as me, his ability to gauge and regulate my mood is an immeasurable gift.

He’s stellar at backing me up and bailing me out. Whether it’s sous-chefing and doing the chopping and kitchen prep, masterminding pageant schedules and invoicing, or problem-solving a crisis, I know I just need to say the word and he’s got me.

He’s so amazing with children. Watching him with our clients, friends’s babies, and even random kids in the grocery store, I’m already impressed by his patience and affection… He’s going to be an incredible father.

He’s so patient and tolerant when it comes to my whims. Whether it’s trying every flavor at the ice cream store, being a superior Instagram husband, or spoiling me with a glass-fronted display case for my shoes, he rarely puts a stop to my shenanigans without good reason.

He’s an over-the-top partner. In a world where an even 50-50 split can be a struggle, he never fails to go above and beyond, make me feel special, and spoil me rotten.

He’s a hottie. Sorrynotsorry if that’s totally shallow, but it’s true. More often than not, I find myself ogling… He’s distracting! And, like fine wine- instead of getting paunchy in his thirties, he’s getting stronger and sexier.

Our future. It gives me the warm fuzzies just to think about the lifetimes together ahead of us. What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet.

SHOP THIS LOOK: anthropologie dress, Lulu’s booties, Charles David polka dot pumps (on sale!) David’s suspenders are Zara.

“Lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again.”
– Jason Mraz
