In food/ travel

new-to-us nola eats 

March 26, 2016

If we weren’t socializing or exploring New Orleans during our visit, we were in pursuit of delicious eats. I doubt that’s shocking-  y’all know how passionate I am about food, and we needed…

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In los angeles

bottega louie

March 23, 2016

I am such a sucker for something sweet- I swear I could eat desserts all day long. And if delicious treats are prettily displayed in a lovely location, I’m…

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In life

#15in15: a review

March 13, 2016

If you remember, I set 15 goals for myself last year, and another 16 this year.  It would be terribly unfair if I shared only the goals, without owning…

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In beauty

lipstick amuse bouche 

March 7, 2016

I’ve been into lipstick for as long as I can remember. In second grade, Mrs. Fouchecourt had to take away my Cherry Chapstick, for “over-applying and being a distraction.”…

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