In travel

paris, by water

December 29, 2015

After our morning shoot, we headed back to the Marais, grabbing macarons on the way but intent on a good midday nap. When we woke, we grabbed some lunch…

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In travel

in love in Paris

December 23, 2015

David indulged me with and on this entire trip, but especially our last full day in Paris.  Despite preferring his pillow to a photo shoot, he was obliging and…

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In style

some seasonal sparkle

December 21, 2015

I truly believe that one of the secrets to a happy holiday is picking out your own presents- fortunately, David agrees! In an attempt to extend the holiday cheer,…

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In travel

crepes and champs 

December 16, 2015

After such a full day, going back to the flat before supper was super refreshing. Though dinner was just up the street, we were continuing touring after, so I kept…

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